May 2020
Good morning. I hope this letter finds you and your family well. I am so happy to be back at the barn seeing all of you and your children.
It is wonderful to be lessoning again. Unfortunately we have not had a chance to show. Sadly Country Heir at the Horse Park has been cancelled. However there is an opportunity to take the horses and school at Brave Horse. I have reserved Thursday May 28th at Brave Horse. We will be the only barn there and Michaella and I will be the only trainers there. The number of people will stay under ten. The cost to Brave Horse is 100$ per horse plus any share of a spitting of a stall. I think this would be very helpful as we have not left the farm in at least two months. The additional costs are for that of a haul ( to be arranged) and a schooling fee by us. Please let me know if you are interested. It is a very good chance to give the kids and the horses some experience away from home. Please let me know if you are interested.
Shows will be affected into fall and winter as well. You may have heard that WEC has decided to close from Sept 1 2019 until March 31 2020. This leaves us only the choice of Florida this winter if we intend to show. I hope you all will consider Ocala. I know it seems like a big undertaking but showing in Florida is very doable and affordable. We are getting together some information that will help you understand both costs and organization. I am available to answer any questions you may have. It really is quite fun and quite nice there :-).
As far as streamlining communication Michaella and I are not using our Duncan Run emails. In the interest of simplifying things please email us at ridetruecourse@ We both have access to that email so it keeps us both updated. If you have anything of a more personal nature please reach out on our individual emails or text us.
We are still looking forward to IEA. At this point we have no information that it will not go forward with it’s normal season. So please keep that on your agenda.
Please remember to include TrueCourse all your social media and tag us as well.
We are always happy to welcome new people to our lesson and training program and the offer to new clients continues. The first lesson at half price and for any of you that refer a new client you receive half off a lesson to you as well as our appreciation.
Please try to spend some time grazing your horses. They enjoy the time with you and more frequent tastes of grass lessen the chances of too much at a time and thus a colic/founder incident during this time of rich spring grass.
Finally please continue to remind your children about taking proper precautions during this health crisis. I want everyone to stay healthy and look back on this time knowing they did everything in their power to protect those that are the most vulnerable.
“ Never believe a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”
Margaret Mead